What You Get
- 4-hour in-depth Risk and Control Self Assessment Masterclass
- Everything you need in this half-day impactful and to the point information to carry out success RCSA
- Expert and applicable risk strategies that creates better results for organisations
- Advanced approach to threat assessment and control measures applied in business
- Expert knowledge in defining and delivering value for stakeholders
- Increased intelligence on using effective communication and rapport building techniques
- Network and build new relationships with leaders in business
- Gain insight on the dynamics of risk to create value
- Increase in your analytical thinking skills
- Free copy of the book ‘For The Love of Purpose’. Hard copy for live in-person and ebook for online live delegates
- Certificate of Completion
How To Join The Masterclass
Book your place
Select your attendance option by clicking 'Buy Now'.Live In-Person Delegates
Arrive before start time. Check your email to receive venue and parking instructions. Refreshments of coffees, teas and snacks will be available through out the session.Online Delegates
Arrive before start time. Check your email to receive your Zoom meeting invitation with a Meeting ID and Password for the virtual session. Ensure that the name you book with corresponds to your name on Zoom so we can identify you. Get your coffee and tea ready!Enjoy the experience
Interact, network online and in-person. For online, raise virtual hand to ask questions. Ask questions in-person. Enjoy the session and send us your feedback!Venue
Live In-Person Address
Cubix Building, 2nd Floor, Noble House, Capital Drive, Linford Wood East, Milton Keynes, MK14 6QP
Free parking is available onsite, please follow the RCSA Parking signpost
Live Online Zoom instructions
- Click to download Zoom if you don’t already have it
- You will receive your zoom login
- Room will open 20 minutes before start time
- Please make sure your onscreen name matches your booking name. Only confirmed delegates will be allowed in
- Feel free to network with other delegates before the training starts
- Ask questions during the training by raising virtual hand or typing in the chat
- Extra 30 minutes will be given after scheduled training to answer further questions
Your Masterclass Trainers
Chizubel Egwudo
Risk Consultant & Trainer

With two decades of industry experience in risk across multiple sectors, Chizubel understands the needs of clients and has influenced profitable transformation that leads to organisational growth for clients.
Chizubel has set up and carried out over 100 Risk and Control Self-Assessments for companies in the private and public sector, with a larger percentage of it in Banking and Financial Services with clients such as Deutsche Bank, Euroclear, Brewin Dolphin, Jupiter Asset Management, Lloyds Bank, MUFG, LPPI and more.
In this masterclass, Chizubel will show you how set up and carry out a successful RSCA programme.
Linda Duberley
Media Expert & Trainer

Linda is an award-winning journalist and communications expert. She has held key posts on three national newspapers, three international news channels and ITV’s flagship programme, Tonight.
Linda currently delivers training and coaching to leaders in central and local government, the emergency services, senior politicians, the corporate sector and leading charities.
In this masterclass, Linda will show you how to overcome stakeholder barriers and build rapport that allows you to access valuable information vital for RCSA’s.
Simon McCloud
Risk Strategist and Trainer

Simon’s multi-dimensional and dynamic approach to risk incorporates 12 years’ experience as a commodities trader managing risk across multiple different asset classes incorporating both physical and financial trading and the evaluation of infrastructure projects in various countries across the EMEA region.
In addition, Simon brings 14 years’ experience as a member of the British Army with multiple operational tours managing a considerable risk profile.
In this masterclass, Simon will show you the mechanisms by which the military assesses, manages, and mitigates risk and what parallels exist in the commercial and private sector.